i was listening to Gordon Lightfoot’s Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald when an image-feeling came to me of a soupy green sea overlaid with black roiling lines. old steel ship siding and rust kinda changed into spooky old churches and detective mysteries. eventually i was drawing bowler hats on morton.
the animation process began with modeling a 3D version of the house based on my earlier drawing. i then animated the scene in cinema 4d. this video served as a basis for a lot of frame-by-frame rotoscoping (thanks to Brynn Squires, Mary Thompson, and Sophie Houghton for the help!), done at 24 frames per second (because i’m insane). many details were animated in after effects, including the characters (morton uses the fantastic RubberHose plugin).
the original still image was drawn in procreate. i have received very little formal education as an illustrator, so i like to think that my work retains a bit of character from my teenage days of drawing skeletons in college-ruled notebooks.

finally, here are a couple sketches from my initial explorations.